Saturday, July 25, 2009

This is how I know I live below the poverty line

In the early 1960's, Ken Cosgrove was making $300/week.

Almost 50 years later, I'm making $400/week, and I sure as hell don't have a secretary either.

Good thing I've got a man to take care of me. (See, things really haven't changed much.)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Na Husle

I'm not sure why it makes me sad to see others achieving the dreams I used to have. Let me be clear. These dreams are ones I chose to give up. Dreams that were out-dreamed by other dreams. Ones I fully expect to make me very, very happy.

My first thought was that maybe it had to do with the fact that I haven't yet reached the dreams I've chosen instead. But I don't think this is it; no, there's a sense of nostalgia to this that I think would be there no matter what. I felt as though I got the chance to look at what my life could have been, and I envy your happiness. It makes me wish I wanted what you want. It feels strangely like I dropped part of me instead of redefined me.

Anyway. I'm glad you're happy. And I know I'll be happy too. And that I AM happy. 

Go get it.