Sunday, May 2, 2010

On car vs bus commutes, and yelling

suzanne.jarosz :the only thing i can do is sing along to the radio, and eat. both things that do not add to my quality of life.
5:03 PM me: NOT TRUE!
oh my goodness, if you knew how much i miss singing to music
particularly in the car, when you feel in control
5:04 PM living in the city, in an apartment building, there are very few opportunities for making noise
5:05 PM suzanne.jarosz: hahaha. you could make noise, but the question of being heard is different.
me: exactly
suzanne.jarosz: omg. i am totally on board with the yelling rooms
5:06 PM my version: the pillow scream.
equally effective. it got me through college
5:09 PM me: hahahahhaa
ill have to try that
might still freak Alex out, but that's about it, hah
5:11 PM suzanne.jarosz: years ago, rian asked me how i stay so calm and i responded "pillow scream"--that moment changed her life...and little did our roommates know, but they had double pillow screams happening almost every night.
5:13 PM me: hahahahahahha
that's fantastic

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